Selkie's FFXIV OCs

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*soft ghost*
*apolline kaucelle*
*rereto reto*
*étienne ann cruach*
*delbee qestir*
*rowan graves*
*morag adair*
*vasilisa polivika*
*axah'a vuto*
*soft ghost*

Name: Soft Ghost
Race: Hellsguard Roegadyn
Age: 30
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Height: 7'2
Style: Elegant and dramatic, or athletic and comfortable.
Favourite Colour: Nophica Green
Notable: Soft's hair and eyes are pale after her exposure to the intense concentrations of Light aspected aether on the First.
Positive: determined, understanding, serene
Negative: prideful, resistant, detatched
Job: White Mage
Patron: Nymeia
City State: Gridania
Grand Company: Twin Adders
Relationships: Vaphert Beaudonet (spouse)
Dornnithota Chevalier (partner in crime)
Djserkha Bayaquad (close friend)
Kian Carver (student)
Airy Mountain & Rushy Glen (father & mother)
Sparkling Quartz and Juicy Meat (sister & brother)
E-Sumi-Yan (teacher)
Raya-O-Senna (teacher)
A-Towa-Cant (predecessor)
Slyphie Webb (student)
Alaqa (student)
Gatty Orwell (student)
Sanche Orwell (friend)
Fun Fact: Soft Ghost has a hypermobility spectrum disorder: her joints are highly flexible and this leads to pain if she doesn't keep up with her exercise regime!HistoryBefore the Call
Soft Ghost was born Little Droplet, the second daughter and middle child of two Hellsguard miners. She grew up near Copperbell Mines in Western Thanalan. Even from a young age she was more interested in plants than rocks: it was her dream to go to the Black Shroud. At her age of majority, she chose her own name and left town to learn botany from the masters in Gridania. That would have been her life, had she not heard the call of Hydaelyn and taken up the lance to go adventuring.
A Realm Reborn
Early in her adventuring career, she met a marauder named Dornnithota Agatbraenawyn. They worked several jobs together and formed a fast friendship, which lasted through Soft being forced to hang up her lance. This was due to the onset of her disability. Soft became despondent, feeling like her new dream was shattered before it had really began. It was Dornni’s tough love that dragged her out of her listlessness, and Soft took a place at the Conjurer's Guild.
She surprised herself by being a deft hand with healing magic. After learning to control her aether usage, and helping fellow student Sylphie to do the same, E-Sumi-Yan sent Soft to Raya-O-Senna for further teaching. Soft was given the soulstone of A-Towa-Cant, which had reacted to her as she worked. After protecting the Guardian Tree with Raya-O-Senna and A-Ruhn-Senna, she was accepted as a fully fledged White Mage. At this time, she also made contact with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, agreeing to lend her aid as a White Mage when needed. She also hoped to meet the by now famous Warrior of Light.Heavensward
Scion, adventurer, or otherwise, her duties as a White Mage sent her far and wide. When Eschiva contacted the Conjurer's guild to investigate tainted aether in the Highlands, Soft was allowed into Ishgard and its surrounding areas. She was also told by Raya-O-Senna to look into the Astrologian art that was being taught there - knowing how other cultures heal would help Soft with her own art's limitations, and it served as a good excuse to be allowed in to Ishgard.
It was there that she met him: Vaphert Beaudonet, the Warrior of Light. She didn’t realise who he was at first - the Duskwight was humble and sweet, which she wouldn’t have expected from a warrior so battle hardened.While discovering Alaqa as the source of tainted aether in the Western Highlands and Dravanian Forelands, Soft aided Vaphert against the primal Ravana. Though she frequently went back to her initial quest, she found herself spending more and more time with him. By the time she, Eschiva and the Seedseers had cleansed the taint resulting from Alaqa's witchcraft, Soft realised she was in love with Vaphert. He was her guiding star.Stormblood
When Ala Mhigo began its liberation effort, Soft Ghost went with the Order of the Twin Adder to lend her expertise. After the devestating raid on Rhalgr's Reach, Soft stayed behind to tend to the wounded, worrying from afar as Vaphert and his teammates left for Doma. However, it was a silver lining as she met Sanche and Gatty, a mother and daughter hiding from the Conjurer's Guild. Gatty was born with the horns of a Padjali, and neither wanted her taken away. With Sylphie, Soft made sure that when it came time for Gatty to learn her powers from the other Padjali, she didn't have to leave her mother behind.
This, along with her closeness to Vaphert, opened Soft's eyes to the injustice of the city state she'd called her home. In the aftermath of Doma and Ala Mhigo's liberation, she began advocating for change in how Gridania treats its citizens and refugees.Shadowbringers
This was put on pause when the Crystal Exarch pulled people close to the Warrior of Light into the First. She met up with Giott, the brazen dwarf maruader who hunted the Sin Eater called Sophrosyne. This was how Soft spent her time in Norvrandt until Vaphert came to bring the darkness.
During this time, Soft's attunement to white magic caused her to become unbalanced due to the overwhelming concentration of Light aspected aether. She lost the ability to use Earth and Wind magic, with her attempts resulting in Light magic instead. Her hair and eyes began to drain of colour, and it wasn't until she coined the ability Afflatus Misery that she was able to stabilize the growing aether within. As this was nothing to what Vaphert was going through with the Lightwardens, she didn't complain. Instead, she threw herself into the work that she and Giott had taken up, and coming to Vaphert's side when he needed her.With Giott, she learned the fate of the Warrior of Light Lamitt, and how she had been exiled for breaking tradition in the name of doing good. It was sobering to see Sophrosyne trying to heal the Sin Eaters as she had once tried to heal her own sister.Fuelled by Lamitt's sacrifice, Soft came with Vaphert as he fought the last of the Unsundered, and held him tightly when he woke her back in her body on the Source.Endwalker(intentionally vague as this is the current patch)There was no time to rest; Zenos and Fandaniel were moving, and so Soft journeyed with Vaphert again. This adventure took them through Garlemald, to the Moon, the Lifestream, and to the End of the World itself.When Vaphert brough peace and harmony to not only the Source, but the entire known universe, she was there to help him if he asked.And, now that the dust has settled, she makes sure he rests... and when she's not attending to her duties as a White Mage, she heads off with Dornnithota to go on adventures. Some habits don't die, even if you follow the Warrior of Light to the ends of the universe and back.

*apolline kaucelle*

Name: Apolline Kaucelle
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Age: 28
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual
Height: 6'6
Style: Masculine or practical - ocassional military elements.
Favourite Colour: Soot Black
Notable: Apolline has one eye that is blind to the physical world, but it can 'see' aether.
Positive: confident, fearless, strong
Negative: angry, abrasive, rude
Job: Machinist
Patron: Thaliak
City State: Limsa Lominsa
Grand Company: The Maelstrom
Relationships: Fosaux & Odette Kaucelle (father & mother)
Meleaux Kaucelle (brother)
Vaphert Beaudonet (cousin)
Fun Fact: Apolline often wears something covering one or both eyes. Her red goggles from Skysteel help abate migraines from her double vision, but sometimes she'll put a bandage over her white eye so she can look at things without over-focusing. If the bandage is over her red eye, it's so she can look at the aetherflow of a thing... or because she's pretending to pay attention to something.History
Before the Call
If there was one thing Apolline's parents taught her while she was growing up, it was to keep her head down and to stay out of trouble. Born to a mercenary archer and a mun-tuy brewer, Apolline and her twin brother soon learned that Duskwights weren't thought of highly in their city state.
Apolline was born with one eye that was functionally blind. It wasn't until she was old enough to talk that her parents realized that though she couldn't see the physical world with it, she could see aether. Terrified that their daughter might be taken away by the Conjurer's Guild, Fosaux took her with him on wilderness or foraging jobs with him, teaching her how to survive and how to handle herself in a fight. Meleaux, her brother, showed an innate talent for carpentry, and the family scrimped and saved to get him apprenticed to the Carpenter's Guild in Gridania itself.One day, Apolline went to surprise her brother with a packed lunch. When she came to the building, she witnessed several of the apprentices ganging up on him. They were taking credit for his hard work and making him come across as lazy to their tutors. Angry, she muscled in to stand up for Meleaux. The confrontation soon turned physical, and after the groups were pulled apart and the dust settled, it was the Duskwight siblings who were found to be to blame.Though Meleaux was allowed to remain at the guild, the punishment both he and Apolline had to face was the final straw for her. She left Gridania for the shores of Limsa Lominsa, vowing that she'd never set foot in that place again.A Realm Reborn
Deciding to present herself to the Arcanists Guild, Apolline threw herself into studying. Thubyrgeim took her under her wing. Apolline was taught to channel the aether she could see with her blind eye through the arcane geometry of the guild. It sharpened her understanding of the world and she was thankful to learn it.
However, Apolline felt discontented in the guild when she learned that Guildmaster K'rhid Tia often travelled. She saw it as him leaving Thubyrgeim with all the hard work whilst taking credit for the good name of the Guild. It reminded her too strongly of the way the other apprentices had treated her brother, and how they'd both been punished when she had defended him. Besides, the call of Hydaelyn was nigh irresistable, and Apolline was finding it hard to stay where she was.She began to take jobs from the Adventurer's Guild in Limsa. Imagine her surprise when her cousin, Vaphert, was doing exactly the same. She followed him on his adventurers for a while, helping out where she could. As things got more and more intense, Apolline realised she was at the limit of her abilities as an Arcanist. She reluctantly headed back to the guild to try to push herself more, but her dissatisfaction led to her feeling adrift, and eventually leaving the guild.Heavensward
Vaphert had been instrumental in dealing with the Black Wolf. As such it was a shock when they were accused of killing the sultana and having to seek asylum in Ishgard. Apolline didn't believe for a moment that sweet and ditzy Vaphert had been part of a coup.
That was why when the city state of Ishgard reluctantly opened its gates to adventurers, Apolline took off to support her cousin. While there, she found was the Skysteel Manufactory and soon retired her book for a gun. Under Stephanivien's eager eye, Apolline found that she had a surprising knack for the machinery and in particular machinery that channeled aether through itself.Armed with her new weapon, Apolline helped the machinists find their foothold in Ishgard's society. As the technology grew more acceptable, she took to following her cousin on their quest and aiding them where she could.Stormblood
Ala Mhigo rose up to fight against the occupying Empire. Apolline immediately threw herself into the battle. When the Reach was breached and Vaphert had to escape to Doma, she stayed behind to help on the front lines. She found a niche in taking apart the destroyed magitek and repurposing the pieces to aid the resistance and rebuild Rhalgr's Reach. It helped her to process that pushing back involved more than just throwing a punch or firing a bullet; one needed planning and deliberation behind the fight.
After Ala Mhigo was reclaimed and the The Resonatorium was dismantled, Apolline rejoined wth her cousin and was ready to help them in the final push.Shadowbringers
Five star WoL gacha pull? No! Four star Apolline. She gets five star at the end of the expac though don't worry (you can tell I haven't played her through it yet can't you).
ShB first <3

*rereto reto*

Name: Rereto Reto
Race: Dunesfolk Lalafell
Age: 23
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
Height: 2'10
Style: Girly & cute, though sometimes with a dramatic caster flair.
Favourite Colour: PINK.
Notable: Rereto has a perky, upbeat voice that sounds out of place for someone raised in the Arrzaneth Ossuary.
Positive: intelligent, upbeat, playful
Negative: self-doubting, easily flustered, shy
Job: Black Mage
Patron: Nald'Thal
City State: Ul'Dah
Grand Company: The Immortal Flames
Relationships: Nenepe Nepe (wife)
Gerelt Kha (friend)
Cocobuki Lolobuki (teacher)
Lalai Lai (teacher)
Kazagg Chah (teacher)
Da Za (teacher)
Dozol Meloc (teacher)
Shatotto (icon)
Fun Fact: Rereto might not be much for physical combat, but she has a solid left hook. Spending so much of her youth watching the pugilists did let her pick up at least that!History
Before the Call
Rereto's father and mother came from opposite ends of the spectrum. He was the scion of a rich merchant family, and she was the daughter of destitute refugees. Yet she was a lovely lass, and clearly caught the young dandy's eye… and just as quickly, she lost it.
When Rereto was born, her maternal grandparents put her in a basket and left her on the doorstep of her father’s house. Her father then took the basket to the Arrzaneth Ossuary and left the child with the order of Nald'Thal, and thus Rereto was raised as an acolyte of the Traders. She was a voracious reader and sharp as a tack, with a great well of potential towards thaumaturgy. Indeed, when she was deemed ready, Cocobuki let it be known that she was to receive official training.A Realm Reborn
She took to thaumaturgy like butter to bread and quickly learned what the five brothers could teach her. The call of Hydaelyn only fuelled Rereto's desire to learn more, as she wanted to help people with her power. However, she had no true avenue for her learning until she helped Cocobusi. Cocobuki's final brother had little ability to Thaumaturgy, and had been upset when Rereto started to learn. He wanted to prove that he could master the art... which led to his possession by the Voidsent Mormo.
Cleansing him of this possession gave Rereto a voracious interest in the Void and how to combat the denizens that tormented people on the Source. Impressed with her power and study, Cocobuki was able to put Rereto into contact with Lalai Lai. She was a student of the disgraced Ququruka, a Black Mage. Through this contact, Rereto learned with Lalai, Kazagg Chah, Da Za, and Dozol Meloc in how to become a Black Mage, and put to rest the abomination that Ququruka had accidentally called into the world from his friends.Having taken the black, Rereto kept her position on a need-to-know basis. Black Mages were still considered not to be trusted and somewhat illegal. With this and her interest in the Void, Rereto was partnered with a stern and noble paladin named Nenepe Nepe. The two of them took on jobs that dealt with Voidsent possession, and eventually led to them leading an expedition into Amdapor to deal with the Lambs of Dalamud. The Warrior of Light - the famous champion against the Black Wolf - joined them on the task, and then asked the two of them to help them with a most unique wedding invitation they had discovered.The Tam Tara Deepcroft had become the reception for the necromantic union between Edda and her lover Avere. The sad ending to Edda's tale only hammered home to Rereto that what she was doing was correct: Voidsent preyed upon those who were desperate, and she would champion those people and protect them.Heavensward
The city of Ishgard reluctantly opened its gates to adventurers when House Fortemps took the Warrior of Light on as a ward. This was fortunate, as Rereto and Lalai were following the trail of the Defiant. This cult, led by a man named Waldeve, promised easy power and attempted to use the abiliies of the Black Mage with no safeguards. Many of the adherents were burned from the inside out, unable to control the destructive magic within. The cult made stop in Ishgard briefly, and there Rereto met with the Warrior of Light again. She told him to keep his chin up and she would be happy to help if needed, and she was sure Nenepe would too.
Once Waldeve and the Voidsent he summoned were neutralised, Rereto was contacted by the Warrior of Light. They had since fallen in with Sky Pirates who had discovered a ship filled with Voidsent. Keen to help, Rereto and Nenepe gathered their gear and headed to the Sea of Clouds.The fight for the Nullstone was exhilierating. Rereto learned much about Mhach and the Void, and her knowledge was useful enough that even Cait Sith thought she was a useful asset. Seeing Diablos' underhand usurption and then consumption of Scathach made her realise something: Voidsent were desperate. They would do what they could for power, and there was something about their hierarchies that was more than just 'strength'. After all, why did they need it? She resolved to throw herself into studies and discover why.Stormblood
That had to wait. Ilbred's machinations led to Ala Mhigo's fight coming to a head. Rereto resolved to help the Warrior of Light as needed, but something extraordinary was happening in her Black Mage circles. Death's Handmaiden, Shatotto herself, had come awake inside Lalai Lai's body. She challenged Rereto to combat, and was pleased when she could hold off her incredible power. Rereto was absolutely stunned to be almost complimented by Shatotto herself!
Shatotto gave them her dire news. A celestial body was blasted away by Mhach many generations ago, and though it prevented the impact, several shards of stone landed on the star. Shatotto believed that the stones called out to each other, and that they were calling the comet back.There wasn't much time to aid the Warrior of Light as Rereto and her team pelted around Eorzea destroying rampaging golems. Yet, when the comet was stopped and Shattoto fell into her slumber once more, Rereto pelted to Gerelt's side as he took up arms against Zenos.When Ala Mhigo and Doma were freed, Nenepe proposed to Rereto, and the two were married.Shadowbringers
Like many of the Warrior of Light's friends, Rereto was pulled into the First by the Crystal Exarch's spell. She felt like a fish out of water. No longer led by tutors, Rereto had to discover how to manage her growing well of Black Magic herself. Not only that, but her expertise as a Voidsent hunter was all but useless. Sin Eaters did not behave the same way. Their eerie calm and straightforward violence got her in trouble.
Feeling at a loose end, Rereto joined with one of the hunters to learn more about the Sin Eaters. The man - Cerigg - was tough and grim, but a good teacher. Rereto learned to react with her adventurer's intuition, not overthink the encounter. She eventually got good enough that she offered to take Cerigg up on his offer to examine the hollows, and maybe even help him with his quarry, Phronesis.She didn't expect to be partially responsible for a hyur boy. Rereto could instantly sense the great well of power in Taynor, and when she had an echo vision of his past, she knew she had to help him. It was only soldified when she told Gerelt about the vision, and he identified the young mage's friend as Nyelbert, one of the Warriors of Darkness.Sin Eaters may have differentiated from Voidsent, but Rereto saw the similar pain and distress they caused others. Rather than 'sending them back to where they came from', though, she learned it was 'send them off to peace'. Her faith in Nald'Thal helped her to understand this better, and Rereto was there for Taynor when they finally put Nyelbert to rest.She was also there for Gerelt, when the Light began to swell in him, and stayed with him when he went to fight the last of the Unsundered.When they got back, she told the Warrior of Light that she'd be sticking to his side this time around. She'd learned so much from her time in the First, and she'd help him as he needed. And she WOULD wear a pink dress while she did it.Endwalker

*etienne ann cruach*

Name: Étienne Commons
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Age: 32
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: asexual
Height: 6'10
Style: Careless and somewhat raggedy, usually in dark colours.
Favourite Colour: Ruby Red
Notable: Étienne has a faint, smoky smell, as of a banked fire. This is due to his bond with Abagieel, the Voidsent.
Positive: focused, conscientious, reverent
Negative: awkward, stiff, standoffish
Job: Reaper
Patron: Nophica♱
City State: Gridania♱
Grand Company: Order of the Twin Adders♱
Relationships: Abagieel (avatar)
Drusilla (boss)
Yui Muto (co-lemure)
Gerelt Kha (respected)
Fun Fact: Étienne is from a cult of duskwights on the borders of the Black Shroud who worship Odin, the Dark Divinity. He, like the rest of them, do not view the primal roaming the Shroud as the true Odin.gameplay / story segregation - Étienne does not worship the Twelve nor is he aligned with a city state / companyHistory
Before the Call
What do you do when an unstoppable Empire scours your lands and subjugates your people? You survive, of course.
That's exactly what Étienne’s family did. His parents threw away their old attachments and embraced Garlean traditions. He was raised on the glorious history of the Empire, the successes of Solus soz Galvus, and how much better life was under them - even for simple farmers such as themselves.His grandparents, however, were old Elezen. They would nod their heads, give a 'glory be' when needed, and occasionally remember the ‘aan’ between their names. Yet when the soliders were gone, they continued to tend the shrines and give small but earnest offerings to the Dark Divinity. Étienne learned folklore at their feet, and how it was true even if it wasn’t allowed to be. They also listened to him tell of his dreams of a gigantic crystal, and whispered the name of Hydaelyn when he repeated her orders to him: Hear. Think. Feel.A Realm Reborn & Heavensward
When he was a young man he was conscripted to the Garlean Imperial Army. He became a Medicus due to his small talent for healing, and that likely would have been his life, had his regiment not run afoul of a powerful Voidsent.
Desperate rebels attacked the regiment as they went on patrol. They summoned a Voidsent who proceeded to decimate both sides of the fight. Étienne struggled to heal his regiment, but the creature was too powerful. Clutching his staff, Étienne said a prayer to the Dark Divinity, and attacked it with the weapons strewn about the corpses.To his utter surprise, the Voidsent spoke to him. Its words rang like the clashing of swords in his head, but he could understand its words. It wished to stay in this world, and to do so, it needed a host. He had shown some modicrum of strength, and so it offered to lend him its powers. This was how Étienne met and forged his contract with Abagieel. She - as he came to know her - was a violent and vengeful thing, but she was impressed that he didn't immediately let her take over. They began their wary union by testing each others wills.Étienne wandered, but never too far. The punishment for abandoning his regiment was death, and as a Duskwight in the platoon he would have been considered a deserter, even if he made his way back. Still, the Black Shroud was an unpleasant place to wander for long, and he found himself coming back to the site of the massacre. This was where the Lemures found him. Drusilla knew exactly what had become of him, and took him under her wing so he would understand how best to work with his partner.StormbloodWhile the Empire was fighting with Doma and Ala Mhigo, Étienne trained with Drusilla so that he and Abagieel could make their partnership more equal. Some of this involved helping the resistence efforts as shadowy mercenaries, keeping their true abilities secret around others. When the dust of that venture settled, the Majestic Theater Company reached out to the Lemures for assistance. Étienne was sent, and this was how he met Gerelt Kha, the Warrior of Light.It was somewhat harrowing to meet the man he had heard so many horror stories about, but Étienne kept himself to himself until their journey into Rabanastre forced him to call upon his powers with Abagieel. With no secrets between them, it wasn't long until he became part of Gerelt's group of adventurers. Indeed, by the time that the High Seraph was destroyed, he even offered to put in a word with Drusilla, if Gerelt wanted to speak with defecting Garleans.Shadowbringers
Unfortunately for Étienne, he had no chance to do so. The Crystal Exarch targetted those close to the Warrior of Light, and he was not spared from that call. He - and Abagieel - found themselves trapped on the First. Abagieel was reluctant to manifest in a place so replete with Light aether, and so Étienne relied mostly on his own skill with the scythe for the first few months of his stay there. By the time Gerelt came, Étienne had made friends with Cylva, and made Gerelt aware of the hunt board she had set up to chase powerful Sin Eaters.
With Lue-Reeq and Gerelt, Étienne hunted down Andreia. He was uncomfortable with the story of a woman, lost to her people, who had found a home with friends being punished as she was, and it was a relief for him to help put her to rest.As Gerelt consumed more of the corrupted Light, Étienne fused himself with Abagieel fully so that he could try to pull him back from it. He was unsuccessful, relying on Ryne to seal the Light. However, it wasn't all a loss: this new bond he shared with his Voidsent partner allowed her to manifest safely in the First, meaning that he could fight at full strength beside his friend.In the end, he stood at his friend's right hand as he killed the last of the Unsundered, and even gave him a smile when he awoke him in his body on the First.Endwalker

*delbee qestir*

Name: Delbee Qestir
Race: Xaela Au Ra
Age: 26
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: asexual
Height: 4'9
Style: Ouji fashion, or Qestir tribal.
Favourite Colour: Lilac Purple
Notable: Like all Qestir, Delbee is voluntarily mute. She can vocalise, but she will never speak.
Positive: righteous, protective, nurturing
Negative: wary, uncertain, afraid of her own anger
Job: Dark Knight
Patron: Halone♱
City State: Limsa Lominsa♱
Grand Company: The Maelstrom♱
Relationships: Yui Muto (life partner)
Gerelt Kha (teacher)
Qestir Tribe (family)
gameplay/story segregation - Delbee is of the Azim Steppe, and didn't grow up knowing about the Twelve. She likes Limsa but has no allegiance to it.Fun Fact: Delbee loves sheep! She has a collection of small stuffed sheep toys, which she made when learning how to weave as a child.History
Before the Call
Delbee was born into the Qestir, a tribe who believe that every spoken word is a lie. They are known throughout the Steppe as the founders of Reunion, a hub to foster trade peaceably between the tribes.
Though happy in her family, Delbee would often dream of a large crystal, which told her to Hear, Think, Feel. Hydaelyn was not commonly spoken of on the Steppe, and Delbee neither understood these dreams nor knew how to get more information about them. She ignored them despite the wanderlust they stirred in her. After all, she loved her home. She was good with animals, had sharp eyes when on lookout duty, and loved to cook for family and traders both. Furthermore, she was proving adept at solving disputes by listening and calmly guiding the aggreived parties to a peaceful resolution.That was why it came as such a shock when the Will of Karash took hold of her. During a hunt for dzo, she entered a berserker state and was horrified by her actions when she came to. Though she knew they did it with a heavy heart, Delbee was turned from the Qestir. It hurt her terribly.A Realm Reborn
With no home to hold her in place, she wandered. Eventually, Delbee found herself on a boat to Eorzea. There, she met fearsome warriors who tamed Karash - what they called ‘the Inner Beast’ - and tired to learn from them. While she came to trust them, she realised that their training couldn’t soothe her. The loss and hurt she felt at being cast out of the Qestir would make her lose control each time. Eventually, she left quietly in the night.
Delbee became a grim and silent mercenary, going where the gil took her, always looking for something that would help her soothe the growing resentment within her. She found it twofold: first, Delbee met Yui Muto, a warrior of surpassing skill who wished to break free of the Garleans. The two became friends, and that friendship eventually bloomed to love. This love is what sent Delbee looking for a true solution to her pain.Heavensward
She found it in Ishgard. A Xaela man of the Kha tribe, likewise far from home, recognised her as a Qestir. He took the time to learn her silent language, and through it taught her that the pain she felt was honest, natural, and something that could be used to help people. Through his guidance, Delbee faced her inner resentment and tamed Karash within her. She shouldered the greatsword of a Dark Knight and made her way back to the Steppe.
When they saw that Karash was tame within her, the Qestir welcomed her back with open arms. They had missed her as much as she had them and were delighted to have her a part of them once more. Delbee was delighted to be welcomed back.
However, she did not settle. Delbee now understood that she had heard the call of Hydaelyn, and it wasn’t long before she followed Yui to parts unknown. After all, she knew now that she was always welcome in Reunion, and that she would forever be a Qestir.ShadowbringersEndwalker

*rowan graves*

Name: Rowan Graves
Race: Veena Viera
Age: 28
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 6'1
Style: Whatever he wants, he's beautiful in it all.
Favourite Colour: Vanilla Yellow
Notable: Rowan's hair changes colour with the seasons. In winter, it's usually white or pale, with black tips to his ears. In summer, it's ginger with yellow tips to his ears. His hair gets much shaggier during spring and autum as his new hair grows in!
Positive: friendly, exuberant, loving
Negative: thoughtless, silly, jumps to conclusions
Job: Dragoon
Patron: Halone
City State: Gridania♱
Grand Company: Order of the Twin Adders♱
Relationships: Kian Carver (boyfriend)
Varione Rougecarpe (adoptive mother) ["mum"]
Helene Graves (adoptive mother) ["mummy"]
Fefre Paharo (biological mother, deceased)
Sorans Paharo (biological father, deceased)
Fun Fact: Rowan was raised by an Elezen and a Hyur from Ishgard, with little knowledge of Viera lifespans. As a result he is very young to be out and about as a Viera, and is more of a rambunctious youth than his age in years equates to.gameplay/story segregation: if Rowan were to give alligence to any City State, it would be Ishgard.History
Before the Call
Rowan was found one winter's day in the wilds of Coerthas. An Ishgardian dragoon heard a baby crying among the wreckage of a camp. She couldn't leave a child in such circumstances and brought him back to her own camp. She and her wife agreed to care for the child until the parents were found, but as the weeks crept into months with no sign of the Viera parents, the couple had to admit defeat. They adopted the baby and gave him their family name.
Rowan was a healthy, happy child, and his Ishgardian mothers did their best to raise him despite being a dragoon and chiurgeon in active duty. Due to Viera physiology, they were uncertain as to his physical sex until his teens, and raised him in a hands-off way when it came to gendered expectations as a result.A Realm Reborn
Though accepted by his friends and family, Ishgardian xenophobia was very much an issue in his life. That was why despite his skill with the bow, Rowan was overlooked for notable positions and was stuck working in the chocobo stables of Camp Dragonhead. While he liked the chocobos and applied himself to the hard graft, he felt a sense of wanderlust and a desire to protect others. This only sharpened when his recurring dreams of the Mothercrystal began.
When he told his mother about the call of Hydaelyn, she trained him in the lance. When he was ready, she hugged him, told him that she would always welcome him back, but that she hoped he found what he was looking for out there.Rowan left for Gridania to sharpen his spear at the Lancer's Guild. He took whatever jobs he could while he honed his skill, all while keeping his ear to the wind in case he heard that call again.Eventually, he became sharp enough to go on further quests. These were not glamourous, but one courier job brought him into contact with the Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss. The contact, one Kian Carver, was terribly brash and rude, and Rowan instantly wanted to be friends with him. Kian wanted to be a little more than friends, and Rowan was happy to do that too. It was all fun.Until it became serious, of course! But he was pleased with that.When spending time in Idyllshire on some work, Rowan discovered that his biological parents were Sharlayan sages. To honour them, Rowan decided to learn the art himself. This was not easy for him, as he knew he was a bit of an airhead. But he applied himself, and learned how to handle the Nouliths. He definitely prefered his spear, but he was glad to learn something about where he came from, and let his mothers know too.Oh, and he told them about Kian. He wanted them to meet!Fun Fact: Rowan’s hair changes depending on the season. During spring, summer, and autumn, his hair is red with golden tips to his ears. During winter, it takes on a bluish-white tint, with black ear tips. In autumn and spring, his hair is much fluffier as a result!

*rowan graves*

Name: Morag Adair
Race: Highlander Hyur
Age: 27
Pronouns: she/they
Sexuality: bisexual
Height: 6'2
Style: Adventurer gear (comfortable, warm, etc), or labcoat.
Favourite Colour: Woad Blue
Notable: Morag doesn't have any tattoos, but she does have woad markings over her body. Some of these are faded and others are fairly new.
Positive: learned, methodical, bold
Negative: stern, brash, vengeful
Job: Warrior / Alchemist
Patron: Halone
City State: Limsa Lominsa
Grand Company: The Maelstrom
Relationships: Shar Shiedois (lover)
Fun Fact: Morag speaks the Eorzean equivilent of Scots, and gets frustrated when talking to people without the Echo who tell her to speak properly.
HistoryMorag grew up in a hamlet on the borders between Xelphatol and Ala Mhigo. It was one of those areas that might belong to one place or another depending on map lines, but feels no attachment to either. The people of the tribe were fierce warriors and impressive, albeit reclusive, artisans. They were content to be left to themselves, unconcerned with the events of the rest of the world, and standoffish to outsiders.Morag may well have been the same, had her family not been struck with a sickness that was beyond the village to cure. Morag stayed with them as they declined, and remained long enough to bury them when they passed away. After that, she packed up her belongings and headed out into the greater world.Deciding it was better to risk the mountains and the beastmen than the Empire, Morag passed through Xelphatol and into Ishgard. There she found a very frosty welcome, and not just because of the cold climes. She scraped an adventurer's payment enough to buy an airship ticket to Ul'dah, where she had heard the alchemist's guild was situated.Determined to create a cure for the sickness that had taken her family, Morag poured her heart and soul into the art. She advanced swiftly through the basic concoctions, and was soon experimenting with her own creations.Her research has told her that she would be best looking into the fascinating changing magic inherent to the rare fantasia potions. Thus, Morag shouldered her axe again, and set out to parts unknown, chasing down rumors of the potion's existence.What she didn't expect was to meet Shar, a Viera fellow looking for the potion for his own ends.Fun Fact: Morag speaks the Eorzean equivilent of Scots, and quite often fumbles for the appropriate translation around people without the Echo who can't understand her first language.

*vasilisa polivika*

Name: Vasilisa Polivika
Race: Rava Viera
Age: 54
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual
Height: 6'3
Style: revealing, dramatic, noticable garments - almost stage costumes.
Favourite Colour: turquoise
Notable: Vasilisa's ears are flexible, and she sometimes loosely plaits them with her ponytail to get a braid. It's quite dramatic!
Positive: charming, talented, creative
Negative: clumsy, forgetful, distracted
Job: Bard
Patron: Mephina
City State: Gridania
Grand Company: Order of the Twin Adders♱
Relationships: Freya Tym (lover)
Jehantel (teacher)
Fun Fact: Vasilisa only needs to hear a song or see a dance once to able to repeat it. She knows the repetition will be clumsy at first and puts a lot of work into getting it right thereafter.gameplay/story segregation - Vasilisa is not aligned with any Grand Company, though she'll aid the Adders if Jehantel asksHistoryEven as a child Vasilisa showed an incredible ear for music and memory for stories. She pestered the warriors of her settlement for all the tales they knew, and even tried to follow the male protectors out to learn what they knew. It came as very little surprise to anyone that she left the forest when she was old enough.Vasilisa decided to wander the lands in search of folk tales and songs that she could add to her repetoire. She wanted to make it her life's mission to spread knowledge of each corner of the world to the others, and to unite them all in the wonder of their songs and lore. Her romantic heart also hoped, in her travels, that she would meet the love of her life.

*soft ghost*

Name: Axah'a Vuto
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqot'e
Age: 50
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: bisexual
Height: 5'7
Style: Crimson Duellist
Favourite Colour: Dalamud Red
Notable: Axah'a's pupils are very reactive, and in low light can be almost as big as his irises.
Positive: consoling, calm, stalwart
Negative: slow to action, superstitious, over-cautious
Job: Red Mage
Patron: Nophica
City State: Gridania♱
Grand Company: Order of the Twin Adders♱
Relationships: Jihru Kugelhi (daughter)
Dimha'a Kugelhi (son)
Dimha Kugelhi (friend, mother of two kits)
Urhe Ragmho (daughter)
Puvi Ragmho (friend, mother of one kit)
maybe kissed X'Ruhn Tia???Fun Fact: Axah'a was a hedge doctor in the Shroud, helping many of the Keepers of the Moon outlaws and the Ala Mhigan refugees before he heard the call of the Mothercrystal. He's still very well versed in herblore.gameplay/story segregation: Axah'a is actually an outlaw from Gridania and not a member of the Twin AddersHistoryAxah'a is a Keeper of the Moon. When he was young, he apprenticed under an outlaw hedge doctor and learned how to use the plants of the Shroud to heal people. As the Conjurers of Gridania claim that the Elementals choose who is to be cured by the Forest, this work is considered poaching. Axah'a is technically an outlaw, though he is not affiliated with the courelpaws or the red bellies - nor any other group in the forest.He travels from settlement to settlement, offering his abilities as a doctor and checking up on his children - like most Keeper men, he is not a fixed part of their lives, but he is very fond of them nevertheless.